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About Rio Rancho, NM

Rio Rancho is a thriving City northwest and adjacent to Albuquerque and Corrales. There have been many accolades over the past few years for Rio Rancho with it being named one of the best places to retire, best places to live, best schools in New Mexico, most affordable places to live, along with several other areas of recognition.
As for homes and housing in Rio Rancho, there are many great options and as top real estate agents, we can help you get familiar with the options. For some, the idea of a home on ½ acre in ideal, for others, a golf course home, condo, or living in one of the superb master-planned communities is just right. There are options for single family homes, homes in great neighborhoods with parks and trails, houses with swimming pools, or homes with great views. There’s typically quite a bit of land for sale but very few developed lots ready to build your custom home on, although some spectacular building sites exist. Whether you’re a retiree, and empty nester, downsizing, looking for a second home, a golf community, an active adult community or a family home, Rio Rancho has plenty of options.
The Rio Rancho Chamber of Commerce website has some helpful information for visitors and people relocating as well as the Rio Rancho Convention and Visitors website. If you are considering relocation to the area, we have a lot of local insight and will help guide you a smooth relocation helping you get the information you need. Rio Rancho’s largest employers are Intel Corporation & Hewlett Packard. There are also other employers such as hospitals, retail, call centers and jobs in the government sectors. Rio Rancho has done a great job over the years to entice new business through great incentives. The Economic Development division has really worked hard to bring good paying jobs as well as work with the city to provide infrastructure and buildings for relocating companies. The Rio Rancho area was originally part of the Alameda Land Grant, which was founded by the Spanish in 1710. By the early twentieth century, much of the land grant had been sold to land investment companies. AMREP Southwest, Inc. purchased 55,000 acres in 1961 and turned the land into a housing development called “Rio Rancho Estates” with the first families moving in the early 1960s. The population grew tenfold between 1970 and 1980, and the City of Rio Rancho was incorporated in 1981.