These Charts show 3 years of market data for the Far Northeast Area of Albuquerque
Includes all Single-Family Residential properties, Detached and Attached. Each data point is an Average of Three Months of Activity.
Months Supply of Homes For Sale
Months Supply measures Supply vs. Demand. It is calculated by dividing the number of homes sold in a month by the number of homes on the market. A higher number equates to more supply and a lower number means less supply.
Number of Homes For Sale
Home Inventory helps identify trends in supply and demand in the market. This chart shows Active (for sale) properties. This chart shows the total number of homes for sale as well as being broken down by price ranges for this area.
Average Price of Sold Homes
Average Price is calculated by dividing the number of homes sold by the dollar amount of the sales. This is a great way to compare prices by area.
Median Price of Sold Homes
Median Price is the price of the home in the middle of all homes sold. An equal number of homes sold above and below the number. Said another way… half the homes sold for more and half the homes sold for less.
Closed Sales by Price Range
Closed Sales is the number of homes sold each month. This chart breaks it down by Price Range.
Closed Sales by Home Size
Closed Sales is the number of homes sold each month. This chart breaks it down by home size.
Average Price Per SqFt by Price Range
Average Price Per Square Foot is a good indicator of home appreciation and depreciation. We have found that the percentage changes in price per square foot tracks similarly to the Home Price Index figures.
Average Price Per SqFt by Home Size
Average Price Per Square Foot is a good indicator of home appreciation and depreciation. We have found that the percentage changes in price per square foot tracks similarly to the Home Price Index figures.
Under Contract (Pending) Sales by Price Range
Pending Sales also shows demand trends. This shows the number of homes that go “under contract” each month.
Newly Listed Homes by Price Range
New Listings shows the number of homes that come available on the market each month.
Average Days on Market Sold Homes by Price Range
Days on Market is another indicator of Supply vs. Demand trends. It is number of days a property is active in MLS before it receives a sale Contract.
Average % of Final Sale Price from List Price
Listing Price to Sale Price Ratios give us an indication on how much (on average) homes prices are being discounted off the listing prices.