👉 As of this week, 41% of Homes For Sale in the Albuquerque area have had a price reduction.
👉 This is significantly more than in 2020 and 2021.
👉 However, It’s very similar to the seasonal reduction we had in 2017, 2018, and 2019.
% of Single Family Homes on the market with a price reduction for the 3rd week of October.
🏠 2017 40%
🏠 2018 42%
🏠 2019 40%
🏠 2020 34%
🏠 2021 32%
🏠 2022 41%

There is no doubt that 2022 has seen a significant market shift from spring. We had an All-Time LOW number of homes with a price reduction in March, only 13%.

I will be watching this closely over the next month. If the % continues to increase that will be bearish; however, if we have peeked for the year, that is a tell for a plateau and reset going into spring.


If you want a “Real-Time” look at the Albuquerque Area Home Listing activity, see the full report here. https://altos.re/r/e3043dcd-1ec1-4872-a9c1-669f42493d18 

You can view this interactive chart here. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTRvvjK_Sh4O5jfDO-gzK3Pwkp_EzkM8aXBQajtUq19tk4o5NW51rTaE7Vi6XAQBKf9j0w2cIiXTgbh/pubchart?oid=1026465006&format=interactive&fbclid=IwAR2q3FUYorQPBFUF3YUZMgcUaeXmQVypaefI3OkIInDUqw3E8drOlw4MY64