Parade of Homes: Get to know more about Albuquerque’s builders
(Transcript Snippet): “Tego:
So parade of homes, Tracy, fall 2021
Is this central New Mexico builder home builders association puts this on spring and fall. So this is the fall event. And I think the hours are till five Saturday, Sunday. I know we have the brochure right in front of us, but, um, you know, you can get online and Google it and get the list of homes and things. It’s in the SU Casa magazine. It was in third Thursday’s Albuquerque journal, but you know, the, the parade of homes is really geared towards new construction, uh, custom builders, production builders, as well as a few remodelers who liked to put there what they can do in, in the show. So w what we love, and we’ve always loved the parade of homes is seeing trends, right? And visiting these houses and just seeing what, what features are hot, what colors, what finishes those types of things,
Design trend. And the thing that I always find interesting is some of the new tech, if you will in home. Right. And when I say tech, I’m not talking about electronics, I’m talking about, um, let’s talk about courts, right? So a few years ago, you know, we started to see the courts material versus granted, right. It’s been around for a while, but now it’s very commonplace to see courts countertop so that when I talk about tech, that’s what I mean. Or, you know, remember at one time, you know, no cabinet would have the soft, close drawers. Now just very, very common that all cabinets have SaaS soft-close drawers and doors. So when I’m talking about tech, that’s what I mean, it’s, you know, there there’s, there’s always upgrades. And then of course, you know, we get into efficiency stuff and, and as well. So yeah, get out there and check out these homes. There’s some beautiful homes out there.
So even if you’re not planning to build a custom home someday, you know, there’s just anytime you’re thinking of remodeling or updating, or just, you know, how to put together some design things or staging your home, you know, great stuff. But if you’re right, if you are thinking of buying land or you have land, and you’re thinking of building what a great opportunity to meet some builders, because the builders are usually onsite, ready to talk to you about how they build and what their philosophies are, and you can see their finished work. So, yeah.
Yeah. So go check it out. Some, something nice to do on a nice Saturday after the balloon Fiesta and, uh, you know, go, go see some nice homes. And there’s not as many this year as there have been years past. And he kind of needless to say, I think just because of the way, uh, you know, it’s been difficult to build homes this year, so yeah.
So good.