Monsoon Season is back in Albuquerque: Is your roof ready?
(Transcript Snippet): ” Tego:
We can talk about how high the river is this weekend and why is it high this weekend? Because monsoon is back.
Oh, let’s talk about rain. Yeah. Hail and rain that we had in the Albuquerque Metro area. I know we had it all along the Rio Grande valley and Santa Fe. Well, and then the other day,
The other day, it, you know, there was another cell that rolled through Albuquerque was that Thursday night, that was, it was pretty intense. It didn’t hit where we live, but I know some parts of town got. So deluge as they say,
We had some loud thunder and lightning, like 9:30, 10 that our dogs were not happy about.
Well, it’s great to get the moisture, but let’s talk about the home ownership part of this ownership.
Right? So roofs, we’ve talked about this a lot lately, like time to get the roofer out and I hope you already did it because what we know is this week, the roofers are very busy, right? We had huge amounts of rain on
Memorial day. Well, we had Tracy’s. We had a long
Time with no rain, no moisture. And then all of a sudden we get all of this all at once and roofs over time, they dry out, they crack there’s, you know, seams that crack and open up and we don’t know it until it rains. So
Get up on your roof,
Get up on your roof.
Oh wait, let me rephrase that. Getting on your roof could be very dangerous. So disclaimer, please have a professional. Do it. If you’re uncomfortable, I’m not recommending that you get on your roof. We’re
Recommending a licensed professional. Yeah. So it’s only going to get worse, right? Usually July is when we get the monsoon. So I don’t know if we’re going to have more early, but be great. If we had an unusually large amount of rain, it seems like we’re in a monsoon pattern already. We’ll we’ll we’ll we’ll see. We’ll see for sure. Good, good timing too. If you didn’t have a leak, still a good time to get somebody up there on your roof. And if you were aware there was massive hail. Cause I know our house, it hailed for a long, long time, not your typical one
Little cloud passing. We had it, we had an inch deep of hail
At our house whatever day that was Tuesday
On Memorial day. So you might want to get your roof check to make sure if you have hail damage or not so sorry if you do. And hopefully you’ve got,
Let’s just talk about that. Cause cause hail damage. What happened if the hail is big enough and coming down hard enough, it will I don’t know, lack of a better your divot, your shingles or divot your, your paper. Like if you have a tar gravel roof that we have a lot of here or a, what they call the rolled Bitterman like a rolled shingle roofing material. Depending that, that those hail balls could actually put holes or at least dent that material. So you might want to get it checked out, talk to your insurance about it as well. And just one last thing on this whole subject is, you know, bill Tobin, our friend who’s farmer’s agent and here in town is just talking about how, you know, insurance companies are raising their prices because the cost of repairs, cost of reconstruction, all that stuff has gone up. And so you do want to check with your insurance agent and make sure that you have your replacement coverage is in line with the current,
Right? And don’t file an insurance claim unless you really, really, really need to, because it will affect your rates for a long time. So if you have a 500 or a thousand dollar repair, I would suggest you not turning it in. I
Could go with you to future properties too,
Right? Because it goes by person, not just the house.