Considerations when buying a Rural Property near Albuquerque
(Transcript Snippet):
Let’s talk about rural properties. Yes.
I’ve got some, I’ve got some great notes on that because with the way the market has been Tracy, you know, people are starting to look out a little further, maybe because of COVID people are going, you know, I need a little more elbow room. I want to move out. I want to get out of the city. And, you know, around Albuquerque, we have a lot of good options.
And some people know that they don’t have to go back to work in a building. They can work from anywhere. So we’re seeing people take advantage, move out a little bit further because they don’t have to do the daily commute.
The commute is not as important anymore. So first off, Tracy, what are, what are, if somebody’s thinking about first off, let’s talk about the areas of the Metro Albuquerque that we kind of call rural areas. What would you say?
Well, Edgewood, Moriarty, Berlin, really all the East mountains, all of the East mountains, they’re rural, you know, there’s also Santa Fe area in Los Alamos area. And so, you know, to Espanola Ribeira up to Las Vegas, you know, just whatever rural properties there might be. Yeah.
It’s just kind of, you just start getting out outside the Metro itself. Yeah. Some of the rural properties
We’re talking about might be in a town versus out in the country.
Well, you think about the South Valley or Valley farms as we call it, there’s some great rural properties down there. There’s Corolla. So there’s the North Valley, which even though they’re kind of in the city, you still get that rural feel. Right. And you’re dealing with some of the things we’re about to talk about, which are you know, w what are you looking for, right. That would be the first consideration. Right. What would it be? It’d be, you know, do you need space for the animals?
Are you looking for barn storage, you have a hobby or collection, and you need that. Right. is it for animals? Is it for privacy? Is it just, you need a big view wide open spaces. Yep. Yeah. Sometimes we like what we grew up.
I just need to make a side note. We have a home listed for sale in a Stanley right now, which is North of mariachi Moriarty, and it’s wide open spaces, but it was a 78 acres, a Homeland, 70 acres, all fenced. And yeah. So, I mean, there’s, you know, and really, that’s not that far you know, from Albuquerque. Right.”