[vc_row][vc_column][youtube video=”https://youtu.be/NLvNrJ7ZTx0″ autoplay=”true” mute=”true” autohide=”Default” controls=”Always”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Eddy (00:01):

AM 1600 KIVA abq.fm on your app. Rock of Talk doc.com on your computer. And now for Roku TV, as well as Apple plus and Amazon fire TV is Tiguan Tracy Venturi, the Venturi real estate group from Keller Williams Realty. You can pick up the phone and dial them direct four, four, eight 88, 88. That’s four, four eight 88 88, or welcome home abq.com. That’s welcome home abq.com. There we go. I finally got the right banding there on the bottom or Tigo, and Tracy is like, what am I looking at my stuff? And I’m not. I’m looking at their stuff. It’s right there. Or the band on the bottom presents all the places that they’re at. Don’t forget to download the app as well as SoundCloud and Stitcher to go. Tracy. Good morning to you.

Tracy (00:47):

Looks like we’re getting

Eddy (00:48):

A little blast of winter back again, the polar vortex, but thank God you guys, aren’t up in the Midwest, Michigan and Minnesota. You are here in beautiful. The wave of Mexico where it’s, this is the worst of it, right? I mean, 25, 30 degrees. We should count our blessings for living the most beautiful state in the country. You both helped make it. So, and Tico and Tracy love real estate. They want you to love your homes happy Valentine’s day. And we just happened to have the only Valentine’s day, couple on the radio doing the radio show. And I love all that is beautiful. I to say that who doesn’t love to see happiness, he goes and Tracy

Tracy (01:29):

Giving them the heads up Eddie and reminding of Valentine’s day soon.

Tego (01:33):

Oh no, really? I didn’t know. It just sneaks up on me

Eddy (01:40):

Falling out of love too much together time. A Tego and Tracy Will talk a little bit about that. Like nobody else can on radio 20, 20 redefine the meaning of home. Yes it did. That is for sure. We’ll also talk about 47% of new buyers surprised by how affordable homes are today. The affordability index has maybe never been better. We should definitely talk about that forecast for 2021, as we are now midway through our second month from all the experts and your real estate experts are to go in Tracy for Barron’s update. If you don’t know what the big bear is, well, it’s coming. We are open again. So we should talk a little bit about the fact that even small amounts is something to celebrate at this time. I don’t want anybody, but I’m excited about the fact that at least we can start talking about it and the affordability statistics or surprising from a historical perspective. Wow. I don’t know that we, I think we almost need an hour or two. Don’t forget. We have our homes of the week as well as our open houses of the week. Tigo Tracy, our little lovebirds on Valentine’s day for their edition here of Albuquerque real estate talk, talk, you go, Tracy, take it away.

Tracy (02:49):

Thank you. Thanks as always. It’s also the lunar new year. So gung ho fat choy. It’s no lunar new year. We’re going to do some celebrating with friends like we do every year. We, we look for every reason we can, right?

Tego (03:02):

Yeah. You know, celebrate. Got it, got it. Got to keep

Tracy (03:06):

Valentine’s weekend. And it’s the kickoff to the lunar new year or the Chinese new year or the Vietnamese new year, whatever way you want to look at it.

Tego (03:14):

It’s not necessary. People call it Chinese new year, but it really isn’t technically Chinese new year. Correct. Lunar new year lunar new year. Got it. Got it. So, yeah,

Tracy (03:23):

That’s exciting too. I love that time because it always gives us another reason to eat more food.

Tego (03:30):

Yeah. Just what we need

Tracy (03:32):

Tego. I know we’re going to get to stats and I know we’re going to get to some open houses and some coming soon properties. Let’s talk about falling in love with your house, or maybe you have fallen out of love with your house. You know, we’ve been spending a lot more time home this past year. And like Eddie just said, maybe we get to spend a little less time in our home, but we now know what it’s like to be home a lot.

Tego (03:57):

Well, it’s interesting because like Eddie said in the opening, there is, you know, 20, 20 redefined the meaning of home and, and what does home mean? Right. You know, it’s not just a house, it’s not just a piece of real estate, although many times in our business. And unfortunately it can get kinda mechanical like that, but it isn’t, I mean, a home has a lot behind it. Right.

Tracy (04:23):

You know, it really does. And there’s a lot of satisfaction in home ownership and, and part of why it’s easy to fall in love with home ownership. Okay. So we can talk about all of the financial reasons to, to love being a homeowner. Right. We know it’s the single most important way people build.

Tego (04:45):

Let’s see, I had to get the right side. That’s the left brain. Right? So it’s it’s yeah. It’s the left frame, right? It’s the, it’s the logical, it’s the engineer, the engineer brain. Let’s put it that way. Right. It’s

Tracy (04:56):

Yeah. Solid sound reasons. Financial reasons. Why to be a homeowner. When, when we talked to people who have owned a home for a few years and they realize how much equity they’ve built wealth built into their family’s financial picture, it’s huge. But there’s other things about being a homeowner, right? So it’s the security comfort stability of being a homeowner, right. You know where you’re going to be. You don’t have that. Will the landlord decide to sell the house or will the apartment complex be raising my rent?

Tego (05:32):

Well, if I want to paint my bedrooms purple, can I just do that? Right.

Tracy (05:37):

The other thing is the house is uniquely yours. Like you said, if you want to paint your room, purple, go find your own house to live in Tigo. But you know,

Tego (05:46):

Whoa, man, didn’t see that one coming.

Tracy (05:50):

This is uniquely yours and you can decorate it. How you want. You can change it. You can remove walls, you can remodel. You can do different things in your yard and your fencing and it’s yours.

Tego (06:02):

Well, and I know so many people and it will, will resonate with this is I, you know, there’s certain projects that we do around the house that are just kind of like this meditative Zen kind of thing. Right. Mowing the lawn, doing yard work. I know, I know people go, well, that’s work. It’s like, well, no, it didn’t. It depends what type of work you do. But sometimes just doing some physical work is, is great. And it’s therapeutic. And I like it. I know that’s again, I’m doing all left. I’m left brain, your right brain.

Tracy (06:35):

Ironic that you would say that yesterday afternoon I was cleaning the yard from all of our dogs. And it was like beautiful. It was like 64.

Tego (06:45):

Like they didn’t, they didn’t mow the lawn. Is that what you’re talking about?

Tracy (06:47):

Yeah, no. I was picking up after our three dogs and something you wouldn’t know anything about.

Tego (06:53):

I can’t relate at all. I find

Tracy (06:55):

It sort of cathartic. Like you said, the dogs are outside. They like that I’m outside. It was a beautiful day. It felt very rewarding for me. But anyway, and today was trash day. So it’s all gone

Tego (07:08):

And you were already wearing a mask. So it was all good. No masks, no mask in the yard. Yeah. Got it.

Tracy (07:13):

Yeah. So so anyway then there’s the whole wealth building thing. But the other thing that I think we haven’t talked about much Tigo when it comes to being a homeowner is your sense of community, right? That you’re a part of something. You have some vested interest in knowing your neighbors. And when you go to the park meeting people, when you’re out on walks, it’s, it’s your community, you’re paying attention. You’re more security aware for your neighbors and things and, and maintaining it. And then it’s something to be proud of. Right? Home ownership is definitely something it’s a big accomplishment and something to be proud of. And I love it. We had this meeting this morning with our team and we had some conversations about some, some feedback we’d gotten from recent home buyers. Right. And some of the testimonials that came through this week, we read out loud and it was, you know, those awesome heartwarming stories about how they’ve dreamed about being in a home. And it’s like, I can’t believe this happened. And you were a part of it. And we, we never thought we could own a home. And with all the holding from the lender and you as my realtor, it was sort of our love story meeting. Right. So we were, we were reading some of the love stories back to us for being a part of this important part of their lives. And it was really touching. That’s really awesome.

Tego (08:34):

Yeah. And, and sometimes, you know, the first time home buyers can be really satisfying too, because again, it’s people that maybe never thought they would be a homeowner are now a homeowner. And, and we were, we were talking about this whole idea, you know, we get, we get a lot of calls Tracy from people looking for rental properties. Right. Right. And, you know, we don’t deal in rental. I’m just, just the way the market is. It just doesn’t work that way for us. But there are companies that specialize in property management,

Tracy (09:03):

Right. You were going to say, I was going to say, we often give them resources to help them find rentals. And sometimes we do know about rentals that might be available, but it’s not our specialty.

Tego (09:14):

And of course when those people call in, we always say, you know, have you thought about owning a home? And, and you know, I mean, that’s what we do. Right. And, you know, educate people. And many times people say, well, no, I can’t afford it. Or my credit’s no good or yeah, this and that. And it’s, and, and I think, I think there’s, there’s miss perceptions out there about what it could take for some of those people, you know, there’s programs out there right now, if somebody has a five 80 credit score, they may, may be able to qualify to purchase a home right now, finding a home. That’s a different conversation. And that’s, that’s just in the market we’re in right now, but I’m talking big picture. There, there are programs. And then even people with bad credit scores, right. There’s help

Tracy (09:58):

It is we know of a, a really great program.

Tego (10:01):

Well, and of course, Michael Trujillo comes on after us. And that’s what he does. Right. It’s helped people with the credit scores

Tracy (10:07):

Just to get your credit scores up and get you in a home. And we know of a new home builder who will sign a contract with you to buy a house that might be under construction and still be three to six months from being built or completed the build. And they will still go under contract with you. If they look at your credit score and can see that you’re going to be able to get it raised up in time, to close on that new construction. So some awesome things and you know, lots of reasons to talk to us and find out if there’s a way for you to become a homeowner. So give us a ring. As you know, we have a team, a lot of great realtors that work with us to help you with either home buying or home selling four, four, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight is our number. We try to answer it every day of the week. So depends on when you’re listening, but we’re, we really are. Our goal is to answer it, even if it’s six o’clock on a Friday night,

Tego (11:03):

Fall in love with your home, you know, just one last comment on this whole concept of falling in love with your home. How many times Tracy, have we seen people that are just like frustrated with their home? It’s not working for them quite right. And they decide to sell it. And then they start doing a bunch of work to get it ready to sell, or they may bring in a interior designer stager to help them kind of rearrange their furniture, maybe get some new furniture. And then all of a sudden, they go, Oh my gosh, I really loved this house. Right. I should own this house. And so it just, you know obviously we’d love to help people sell homes, but I mean, think about it.

Tracy (11:40):

So that TV show love it are listed

Tego (11:43):

Right. HGTV. So they

Tracy (11:44):

Go in, the one person goes in and helps them redo their current home so that they will love it. Right. but when you have fallen out of love with your home and this past year, I know a lot of people have fallen out of love with their home. It’s not meeting their needs for how they live now. You know, it’s the best time to call us, talk about putting a strategy together to get your home sold and get you top dollar, because the way we market it is, you know, really top notch. We’re not going to just do it halfway, right? Yeah. So anyway, it’s a, it’s a great time. We’re in well February, but it’s going to be a kind of crummy weekend. I bet a lot of people will stay home crummy while you could light the fire and fire that you’ve never used in and have a Valentine’s party at home. Little candlelight dinner to go. Yeah, there you go. So I want to talk about affordability, changing the topic quickly,

Tego (12:45):

Topic quickly. The it’s interesting because there’s been a lot of stories out there talking about affordable housing and that is a conversation that needs to be here.

Tracy (12:57):

That’s very different from affordability, correct. Right.

Tego (13:01):

Affordability. You know, when we’re talking about homes and in specifically compared to historically, so Tracy, there was a, a story that came out and a lot of people are seeing these headlines that, Oh, there’s no affordable housing. And so all of a sudden they think, well, homes are, are not affordable. That the reality is that homes are actually comparatively very affordable historically.

Tracy (13:30):

Totally. When you think about how much of somebody’s typical income needs to go towards housing these days, it’s very low compared to historical, you know, your, your percentage of how much you earn that goes towards housing has become much better. I’ve got my status

Tego (13:49):

That for that. So there’s a couple of different things you can look at. So there’s, there’s this national association of realtor does a whole housing affordability index. They’ve been doing it for a long time. If you go back to 1990 is the chart I have. And what they look at is, you know, the whole package, you’re not looking at just prices of home. They’re looking at they’re accounting for mortgage rates, they’re accounting for income. So they’re looking at median income versus what homes costs versus what the payments are, including insurances and taxes and everything. And the thing that’s that’s fascinating is 2020 was let’s see one back to 1990. It is the fourth or fifth most affordable year, the only years where it was more affordable where the post recession. So, you know, 2009, 10, 11, 12, right. Those were the good years. Right. We should all bought more homes back then, right? Just like we all should have bought Bitcoin five years ago, but don’t give me,

Tracy (14:56):

Hopefully when we used to talk about it a lot, some of the people that we mentioned it to did buy it and still hold it because we were doing the show. Remember

Tego (15:05):

We were doing this show back in w when did we start the show? Was it 2010?

Tracy (15:10):

I spent seven plus years, 13, 14, 15.

Tego (15:15):

And, and at the time we were saying, it’s a buyer’s market. It’s time to buy as time.

Tracy (15:20):

It was a tough time to buy them because there wasn’t lending programs. Right? The lending was very difficult because a lot of the mortgage programs had gotten great.

Tego (15:30):

I’m going to push back on that, that the, the easy lending had gone away.

Tracy (15:35):

Right. But

Tego (15:37):

The people that could actually pay had no problem qualifying, right. It was just that the, the easy program,

Tracy (15:44):

All of the unique programs that catered to different scenarios were not in place.

Tego (15:50):

And, and, and th the reality is those programs for the most part have not come back. Those are a lot of those programs, you know, helps create the housing bubble back in 2008. So anyway, we’re getting way off track here, affordability. So the reality is, you know, right now affordability is at a very historic low. And also, if you look at another piece of data, it’s a percentage of income needed for a mortgage payment. It, it decreased drastically in 2020. So historic norm is about 21%, 22% of your income toward your, your housing. And that could be rent. That could be, you know, a mortgage however, so 21% in as you know, right now, we’re at 14.9, 15%. So it’s a huge decrease,

Tracy (16:44):

Right. Affordability, affordability, even though home

Tego (16:47):

Prices have come up. So

Tracy (16:49):

What’s, what’s helping that Tigo is that interest rates are so low. You can afford more house. Of course. So, because home prices are up, you can still afford them because of the lower interest rates. Yeah.

Tego (17:01):

Yeah, absolutely. And so I just want to talk about that and just one other chart to talk about as the typical mortgage payment in, in 2020, they were saying it was $826. That’s just adjust to principal interest. And that’s, you know, for a very average home, right. In 2006, it was $1,300, right? So it’s substantial

Tracy (17:26):

Interest rates were about seven and a half percent. Then I, when I was a newly licensed realtor in 2002, we were typically in that seven and a half percent range. And then a few years later when we got better, it was seven. So, you know, sometimes we’d be in that seven, seven and a half range through 2006 as my recollection. So the, the, the is

Tego (17:52):

Don’t make a decision based on a headline that says home prices are going up and, you know, they’re up this much from last year or whatever, right. Or you see a headline that said, there’s no of affordable housing on the market. Again, affordable housing is an issue. You know, we, we look at the Albuquerque market right now. I mean, how many homes in Albuquerque right now, Tracy you’re in the MLS are on the market under 200,000. It’s gotta be less than, it’s gotta be a few hundred. Right. And so, you know, that that is a challenge. There are less lower price homes on the market without a doubt. And so it, it does take a little more work right now if you’re thinking to buy. So speaking, now

Tracy (18:37):

You just put one on the market at 18, 12 Morris street, Northeast, it’s sort of Indian school and Morris, right? Yep. 255,000. And that one just hit the market Friday, and it’s a four bedroom house, single story. It’s kind of got a two car garage and one half of it was diverted into an office. So it’s a one car garage with a heated and cooled office in the other garage stall. So it’s probably a three bedroom plus that office space, a 255,000 though, open today, or Saturday from 12 to two, technically

Tego (19:16):

It’s a bedroom. It is,

Tracy (19:18):

It has a closet. It has a door closet isn’t required. I know, but I’m, the listeners are wondering, and it has a door to the outside.

Tego (19:27):

What, what’s the definition of a a bedroom.

Tracy (19:30):

It has to have a bathroom available, right? Well, two forms of egress. Yeah.

Tego (19:36):

One of the means of egress has to be an exterior wall. So you can’t have a bedroom in the middle of a house without an exterior wall.

Tracy (19:44):

What about fire safety? We had another one that’s on the market now. Katzin 6,000 cats in Northeast. It’s an attached town home, a two bedroom, two bath, two car garage for 242 five. And that one is also open Saturday from 11 to one. And really nice property like San Pedro, just North of Montgomery. Yep. And another one that I just loved

Tego (20:13):

By the high school. It’s right by yeah. Del Norte.

Tracy (20:16):

The one on snowflake. So 65 snowflake trail. This is technically Edgewood, but it’s Northwest edge

Tego (20:24):

Has a home on snowflake is perfect for Kiva listening.

Tracy (20:27):

Yeah. Especially for the weekend weather. You guys will get the joke. Okay. So snowflake 65 snowflake trail in Edgewood, it’s Northwest Edgewood. And it’s actually in a very wooded area. So it’s not what you might think of as Edgewood it’s in. What’s the name of this neighborhood? Well, it’s right. So if you go,

Tego (20:48):

Yeah, that’s like a mountainous state

Tracy (20:50):

And this one’s just over two acres, it’s a two-story house. 300,000. It’s, it’s not what you think of as Edgewood, Santa Fe County or Bernalillo County. Does it matter?

Tego (21:03):

I’m just curious. I think it’s Santa Fe County. Well, cause it’s it’s East of mountain Valley road, so then it would be, yeah. Then it would be Santa Fe County. So, but the thing that’s interesting about this neighborhood, when people hear Edgewood, they just think of this, you know, flat, plain, you know, wind swept or something. Not everybody. I mean, Edgewood actually got some pretty cool places, but this is, this is one of these really cool places where it’s kind of hilly, there’s kind of like this, I’m gonna call it a mountain, maybe a Knoll, you know? But like this Hill

Tracy (21:33):

Held his treat. Yeah. It was nice.

Tego (21:35):

It’s a neat, it’s a neat spot. So check it out 300,000. If you want to get out of town,

Tracy (21:41):

We’re having, you know, we have other properties that are coming soon. So if you’re looking for something specific, give us a ring and maybe we can help get you into that home. Five Oh five, two six what’s the number four, four eight, eight, eight, eight, eight. You started to give out your cell phone number, which I have no problem giving out, but it’s the four, four, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight will be picked up a lot better than my cell phone.

Tego (22:03):

Yeah, I wanted to. Okay. So can I

Tracy (22:06):

Let’s talk about forbearance. I didn’t get to that topic. So that’s been a big topic. It’s the hard topic.

Tego (22:12):

Okay. It’s funny. I’ve, I’ve gone to the chiropractor. I went to the eye doctor and every time I end up just in the last few weeks and every time I end up talking about real estate, right? Oh yeah.

Tracy (22:24):

Everyone has this thing about errands and think it’s going to be this big deal. So if somebody is coming out of forbearance Tego, well, I want to, I want to just talk about some stats real quick. If I have an idea, if I may, I may love those stats. Well,

Tego (22:39):

Yeah. Picking up on your sarcasm.

Tracy (22:41):

No, no. I love it. That you would know.

Tego (22:44):

Well, one of the, one of the things that’s, that’s been going on is, yeah. I mean, back at the beginning of the pandemic, there were over 5 million people that took a forbearance plan. And so what that means is they, they went to their lender and said, Hey, can’t make my payment because of COVID. And I need to just put a pause on my mortgage payment. So there was over 5 million. Well now we’re down to about 2.7 million. Again, we’re talking nationwide obviously. And that’s good. The thing is interesting is of those people that have come off of that program over 3 million, 52% of them just basically they’re paid up, right. They either, they either just started making payments or they refinanced, or they sold their home. So,

Tracy (23:35):

Or they continue to make payments while they filed for forbearance, because they weren’t sure if they were going to be able to keep paying their payment, but they were able

Tego (23:43):

To, you know, a lot of those people, probably people that took the forbearance plan thinking, ah, you know, we’ll just do it just in case, you know, it’s kind of, there was obviously, there was a lot of a lot of mystery back in March and April of last year. And so people just did it. So and, and the rest of those are not the breast, but a third of those they basically just said, well, we’re going to work something out. So they’re actually working out something with the bank payment repayment plan. Yep.

Tracy (24:12):

Could be that whatever they didn’t pay, if they actually did skip some payments that they tacked it onto the end of their loan, or they’ve done sort of some sort of repayment plan that they can afford temporarily or, you know, right, right, right. That’s upon exiting the forbearance plan. Another 33% have a repayment plan. 52% of them are paid in full. What about the other 15%?

Tego (24:36):

The other 15% are in, are in trouble. Right? They’re in some sort of loss mitigation plan. So either they’re, they’re, they’re basically not making their payments so they could either just sell their home if they got the equity or if they don’t have the equity, then you know, the very last thing would be, it would go into,

Tracy (24:56):

Well, they could go to short sale first and sell their home. Right. So we, we negotiate with blenders on behalf of sellers that ask them if they can’t afford to sell their home, because it’s not worth enough to pay off the underlying mortgage. We, we work with the sellers to negotiate, to have the lender take short, what they’re owed so that we can get the home sold versus going into foreclosure,

Tego (25:19):

Kind of, I’ve kind of erased short-sale from my, my mind, because back in 2009, nine, 10, we did a fair amount of them. And, and they were really difficult back then because the bank, there were so many of those properties, the banks weren’t geared up for it. Now it’s actually a, it’s a much easier process. So that’s, again, that’s one of those options for people that do find themselves, you know, in that, that group of people. I want to just one more comment I want to make, I think it’s important. The narrative out there has been that if you’re in all those people, the 2.7 million people that are still in forbearance, those are automatically going to be foreclosures and get dumped on the market. And we’re going to have this mass flow of, of homes coming on the market. And that is just not, what’s going to happen. Come March, April we’ll know because a lot of those plans will expire. And again, so people could you know, they could just, if they’re financially able, they’ll just start making their payments and just move on. They’ll work it out with the bank, another group of people.

Tracy (26:21):

Yeah. And in there that, you know, New Mexico is behind the curve on people getting back to work because our restaurants just opened indoors at 25%. Right. But a lot of the country have gotten back to work compared to New Mexico. So we kind of think about New Mexico and how many people are still out of work because of our our climate here. But you know, much of the country is back to work so that this 15% will change. But go ahead.

Tego (26:52):

Well, and, and I just wanted to bring you into this conversation, but let me just, just follow up on that. So these people that are still going to be coming out, or if you’re one of them coming out of this forbearance plan, you’re not sure what to do. There’s, you know, there’s options. And so again, just assuming that just because somebody is in for parents, it’s going to end up in foreclosure and be a bank sale that that’s just not, not true. There’s going to be people that have equity and can just sell or the sh take the short sale option or, you know, whatever it is. And so

Tracy (27:22):

I would say really have a private conversation with us to talk about the options, right.

Tego (27:28):

Exactly. What I was getting to is. So Tracy, if somebody is in a forbearance situation there, they want to know what their options are outside of what the bank is, offering them,

Tracy (27:39):

Call us, call us, let’s sit down, let’s have a private conversation, look at your situation and see how we can best help you with whatever direction you need to go.

Tego (27:50):

Go back in again, I’ll go back to Oh eight Oh nine. You know, we, we helped so many people, but, but what happens when you get in a really tight financial situation, you might just go, I don’t know what the other expression, other than bury your head in the sand and just hope it all goes away, but, but don’t, you have options, right? And, and, and let us help you uncover what those options.

Tracy (28:16):

And, you know, just like before, when we had people in distress with their homes if you know, somebody, you know, that needs help have them reach out because to, to ignore it is only gonna make it worse. Right. And there’s nothing to be ashamed of. Nobody’s, you know, COVID came that affected people. You know, doesn’t mean anything about the person it’s the whole situation of what’s happened to our economy because of a virus. Right? So there’s nothing to be ashamed of. Let’s figure out the best path for you. Yeah.

Tego (28:53):

I think the, the, just to wrap up this conversation is forbearances are out there, there, we’re going to have some, you know, homes that need to figure out a solution, call us, let us know, you know, where you’re at. And see again, unlike 2008, people have a ton. I was going to use another word, but I’ll just say a ton of equity in their homes. There’s so much more equity built in equity in homes today. Plus in 2008, we already had nine months supply of inventory when the bottom fell out well, right now we have whatever point, whatever one month supply of inventory, meaning that demand is still very strong. Supply is still very low, and I’m sure there’s a buyer out there waiting for your home. So let’s change and end on

Tracy (29:42):

The love note, Betty. We want people to love where they live, right? If you don’t love with where you live, let’s find you a place where you can love it. Just trying to remind Tigo one more time that it’s Valentine weekend

Eddy (29:55):

Valentine’s day Tigo.

Tracy (29:58):

The restaurants are open. I don’t, you know, we’ll, we’ll see. Even the ten three at the top of the ramp, the tram is open again. They’re open

Eddy (30:07):

Or homework. It sounds like that’s a nice elbow to the ribs saying, hint, hint to go. So maybe you get in a, a Rez over at 10, 10, three on the top of the crest. That would be beautiful to get Tracy. We love your show. We want people to love their homes and all you have to do to do so is dollars, right? Four, four, eight 88, 88 that’s four, four, eight 88, 88, or welcome home abq.com. That’s welcome on maybe q.com.
