2021’s Biggest Winners and Losers in Albuquerque Real Estate
(Transcript Snippet): “Tego:
The other big thing I saw, there was a, a story that came out and it was trends and it had to do with, you know, the biggest winners and losers in real estate for 2021. And if you wanna just, we can run through the, you haven’t seen. No, I haven’t. Yeah. So you know, the biggest, some of the biggest winners are saying Florida, just, you know, that, that has to do with all the
People more than 300,000 moved to the state between April 20, 20 and April, 2021. So that was the beginning of COVID.
Yeah. And I think anybody that listens to the Kiva knows, you know, the, the background on, in, in COVID and people getting outta the Northeast and going to Florida. Yep. For sure. Yeah. The other, the other one that they said is a big winner for 2021 were the suburbs,
Right. People in multifamily and apartments in condos, they were like, I need to get away from all these people right out of the congestion. Yep.
Yep. Another big one was baby boomer. And that has to do with just home price appreciation for, for homeowners in general has been extraordinary. You know? So the wealth gained in the last year. I mean, there was a bunch of stats that just came out from core logic this week about, you know, how much equity there is out there now in residential real estate. And it’s an all time record. I
Haven’t seen this story, but it’s in front of me now, average profit margin on a median priced home hits a hundred thousand plus. And then it says, okay, boomers, you win.
Boomer. Okay. Boomers, you win
Eddie. You can just say, okay, boomer, you
Want, yeah. Yeah. That’s us. Well, you’re barely a
Boomer. Can we say, okay. Xer is okay. Xer a thing. Don’t
Think so. Yeah. Yeah. You guys are baby
Boomers. I guess. I
Don’t even well, I’m like, I Togo’s
Really not. I’m a young boomer. I’m a 64. So whatever that is, pay
Attention to the generational gaps and all this stuff. But it’s interesting. The real estate story for 2021 probably the most successful year. And I told you guys, I told you guys just hang in there. You know, last year Tego was doing some things and I said, Tego, just hang in there. We’re gonna be fine. And you have not a thing to worry about. And while I look, look Tego,
You were right. And I was wrong in that case. However, however, I gotta say you were wrong about what home prices were gonna do. And I was right about that. Well, and he thought
You gonna Well’s
Have a foreclosure. Remember that’s the money they keep printing. So, oh know, keep printing
That money were. I know, I know, I know. Well, here’s the, the, the, the, in this story about winners and losers for 2021, the number one loser were, was the millennial generation just because their they’re all coming into first time, home buying age and, and prices have just gone up like crazy.